Colossians: Christ’s Transforming Power

Class time: Dec 6 – Feb 28, Wednesday evenings, 7:45 – 8:30
Brief devotional starting at 7:30
Teacher: Floyd Williamson
Location: Room 108

Even though Colossians is one of Paul’s shorter letters it’s full of Truth that is needed today. To help the troubled church in Colossae, caught up in heresy, Paul admonished them to stay focused on the supremacy and transforming power of Christ to encourage the brethren to live a life worthy of theLord. They were to have a Christ-centered mindset and life. Christ’s transforming power is not accomplishedby human rules but by thinking on things from above and putting onthe new self with all its godly practices, so that thepeaceof Christ will rule in us.

Primary Study Guide: Bible
Goals / Objectives: To reassure each brother and sister of the supremacy of Christ in the church and to trust in the Lord’s transformative power so that we will live more abundantly, confidently, and joyously as

children of God.


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