Bible Covenants

Class time: Mar 8 – May 31, Wednesday evenings, 7:45 – 8:30
Brief devotional starting at 7:30
Teacher: Floyd Williamson
Location: Room 108

Covenants are important in the Bible, which are basically binding agreements and obligations
between two parties not to be broken. There are covenants amongst people which are usually
mutual agreements, such as the marriage covenant. Then there are the covenants between God
and human beings, which are always initiated by God and not by anyone else. The Old
Testament includes, among others, the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants. The
New Testament is our new and eternal covenant for all who are in the Lord’s Church. Students
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Primary Study Guide: Bible
Goals / Objectives: To understand God’s interaction with human beings and to see His redemptive plan more clearly, so that we will make sure we keep our covenants, agreements, and obligations with God
and everyone.


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