Class time: Dec 4 – Feb 26, Sunday mornings, 11:15 – 12:00
Teacher: Floyd M. Williamson
Location: Auditorium
The Gospel of John records the earthly ministry of Jesus just like the Synoptic Gospels. Even though John has additional information and presents it in a different and unique way, it has a clear purpose, as stated in John 20:31: “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Sonof God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (NIV). The Gospel of John can easily be divided into two major divisions: Jesus Public Ministry (John 1:1-12:50) and Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection (John13:1-21:35). Iin this quarter, the study will focus on the first half of the Gospel of John (1:1- 12:50), dealing with Jesus’ public ministry.
Purpose: To encourage everyone to grow in faith from the events and teachings recorded in the Gospel of John about Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Primary Study Guide: Bible
Goals/Objectives: To learn more about God’s righteousness and to encourage each of us to live more abundant lives for our Lord.