Worship Services Schedule for Sept


Thank you for agreeing to serve this morning.

If you cannot serve, please let the office know ASAP at (301) 585-8727 or office@silverspringcofc.org so we can find substitutes and they can prepare themselves ahead of time. As a courtesy, when you arrive, let the person in charge know you are present. If he has not heard from you by  he will seek a substitute.

Sermon title: “Mother’s Request”

Scripture Reading: John 2:1-12

Audio/ Recording

Kirt Sylvester

Video Presentation

Kirt Sylvester

Service Usher

Benjamin Moyd

Class Usher

Andrew Nee



Call to Worship song


Joseph O. Anderson

Welcome & Prayer

Earle West

Worship song of praise


Joseph O. Anderson


The Lord’s Supper

Comments at the Table

Brendan Jenkins

(Announce the number of the Communion Hymn as part of your comments)

Communion Hymn


Joseph O. Anderson

Prayers and Distribution of the Loaf and Cup


Servers are: Brendan Jenkins, Jalen Jenkins, Gregory Jefferson, and Adewunmi Ibironke

Communion Hymn (or stanza)


Joseph O. Anderson


The Word of God

Scripture reading and prayer:

John 2:1-12 p. 72 in NT of pew Bible

Chuck Redmond

Announce No Children’s Worship

Joseph O. Anderson

Hymn on the worship theme


Joseph O. Anderson

Hymn on the worship theme


Joseph O. Anderson

Sermon: “Mother’s Request”

Floyd Williamson

Invitation Hymn


Joseph O. Anderson


Participation in the Lord’s Work

Comments or Scripture Reading

Adewunmi Ibironke

(Announce the song we will sing while the gifts are being collected, as part of your comments)

Collection of the gifts




Joseph O. Anderson

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Offering

Adewunmi Ibironke



Closing Announcements

Earle West

(Announce that teachers are dismissed to their classes during the closing hymn)

Closing Hymn


Joseph O. Anderson


Ron Shandor

Song Leader & Presiding Elder: In the event of a baptism: After the new convert’s confession is taken and the convert and baptizer go to the baptistery, the Offering will be collected, and closing announcements made until the curtains are opened. After the baptism, announcements will be completed and, if time permits, more songs may be sung until the baptizer and new Christian have come down from the baptistery. As soon as they return, the new Christian will be introduced to the congregation: “Now we have the fellowship circle to welcome (the new Christian).” The closing hymn and benediction will follow while we are in the Fellowship Circle. If time does not permit, and Bible class time is drawing near, the fellowship circle may be postponed to another day.

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